Essence of Srivaishnavam Practices – Home
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Rationale Behind Every Ritual & Practices in Sanathana Dharma (Hinduism), Srivaishnavam
Here in these pages you will find all the inner meaning and rationale behind Srivaishnava faith and belief. Like in any other Religion, Sect & Sub-sect, Srivaishnavam too has its Plus & Minus Points. But in general, Visishtathvaitham which Srivaishnavam follows, is the most suitable one to follow, for those who want to attain the Ultimate aim, known as Moksha. I am neither a scholar nor can I claim myself as thorough in this subject; but in all fairness, I would like to give the essence of this Sect, as it was given by my father Late Shri. Mukkur Ramabathrachariar (fondly called and known as Sriraman, from Ladavaram Village). In short, the Essence and Significance of Srivaishnavam practices are just given in plain text. Please send in your suggestions, comments and criticism, just simply by signing in my Guest Book that will help me in improving the contents.
Srivaishnava Religious Events Calendar together with Tharppana Sankalpams are also given in Tamil, Phonetic English of Tamil version and also in Image format is given in the Religious Events Section, given in Unicode fonts.. Also, the revered Sandhya Vandanam Mantram in Pdf format in Sanskrit, Poonal Changing Mantram, TharpaNa Mantran in pdf format is given separately. Avani Avittam Sankalpam together with Gayatri Sankalpams are also provided in the Religion Events Section.
A FREE matrimonial page is also devoted to Madhva, Iyengar & Iyer sects. (Brahmin Matrimonial – for Iyengar, Madhwa & Iyer Sects & sub-sects only) Absolutely, there is no Cost or charges involved and full functional operations such as Register, Search, Forward and Reply are provided for free. In addition, a Table providing Star Match, based on Indian and Hindu Astrology, is given; Also, star Matching with a computerized programme, is provided for those who want to download it (This free applet programme is provided in the matrimonial section, where only members who have posted their matrimonial profile can access and download). Please spread word about these free Iyengar, Madhwa & Iyer matrimonial site’s facilities to other needy persons. I thank you very much for your visit and hope you will visit again to get the latest updates and new inclusions.
Though, here is a separate section for Astrology related matters, for Srivaishnava, Lord Sriman NArAyana is the main and only deity; Srivaishnavas/Srivaishnavites, who never consider any other Sub-Lords known as upa Devathas or Navagraha; it is for the general purpose I put here the Astrology Section. Howsoever, even for Srivaishnavites, the auspicious days and Muhurtham are much more important for all functions! Thus, I hope, Srivaishnavites do not consider the Astrology section as an unwanted one! Some of the Srivaishnava members, who accuse me of giving importance to Astrology, have certainly not read the stothras and meanings given by Sri Vedantha Deskar. The Vedic Script known as “Jadaka Paarijatham” was written by none other than Sri Swami Desikan himself!! Many Srivaishnava members are unaware of this fact and are mislead by the notion, that in Srivaishnavam, considering astrology itself is wrong. Even to perform the day to day rituals, and to add Sankalpams, every one needs to read the panchangam known as almanac to know the daily Thithi, Vara, Nakshatra, Yoga & KaraNa. These are part of Astrological notations.
The image gallery, with a wide collection of rare photographs of many Srivaishnava Divyadesam is exposing the intricate and divine craftsmanship of yesteryears. The photographs were taken with close up range and show the Temple & Towers of ancient temples of Tamilnadu, and of course, a few other North Indian temples. The 108 Divya Kshetrams known as Divya Desam of Srivaishnavas is also published in sequence with available photo and images of Lord. I hope, the Srivaishnavam culture, with its rich tradition and values, attracts every visitor. Thank you for your visit and support. Please proceed further to read the Essence of Srivaishnavam & Srivaishnavism.
A new addition in the FAQ section is provided for the visitors to put their questions related to Srivaishnavam Practices, Lifestyles and Astrology. Please do not send in your personal queries related to your horoscope or problems as the Astrology section is mainly to clarify some general doubts only about the celestial phenomena.
Mukkur – TRS Iyengar