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Horoscope Chart – Where it begin – A specimen sketch:
by Mukkur – TRS Iyengar
The following chart shows the divisions and allocations in degrees for each division; The first column that beginning with “0” Degree is known as Aries and the proceed with 30 degrees for each sign in Clockwise position. The Hindu Astrology name for each sign given in Blue and degree allocations marked in Red. Now you can check your birth chart known as Horoscope or Jathakam (Jadakam – Jadagam) and your Rasi known as Moon Sign is where the Moon or Chandran is placed. In each house or division of 30 degrees, the western name of the sign, Hindu Astrology based Sanskrit name, house number and the total degree it holds are given one by one in each line. The second chart shows the representing the Nakshatram for each sign. The third chart just simply the Navamsa sign of each house or rasi.
PIECES Meenam XII 330 – 360 |
–> ARIES Mesham I 0 TO 30 |
–>TAURUS Rishabam II 31 to 60 |
–>GEMINI Mithunam III 61 TO 90 |
^AQUARIUS Kumbam XI 301 – 330 |
CANCER Katakam IV 91 – 120 |
^CAPRICORN Makaram X 271 – 300 |
LEO Simmam V 121 – 150 |
^SAGITTARIUS Dhanusu IX 241 – 270 |
<–SCORPIO Virichikam VIII 211 – 240 |
<–LIBRA Thulam VII 181 – 210 |
<–VIRGO Kanni VI 151 – 180 |
Now within the Each 30 degrees, a sub division of 13 degree 20 minutes counted as one constellation known as Nakshatram or Star. Thus each 30 degree consist of 2 full and a quarter star (Nakshatra) that equals to 108 quarters of all the 27 stars ( 27 x 4 quarter).
Meenam (12) Poorattathi
4 Uthirattathi 1,2,3,4 Revathi 1,2,3,4 |
Mesham Aswini 1,2,3,4 Bharani 1,2,3,4 Krittikai 1 |
Rishabam (2) Krittikai 2,3,4 Rohini 1,2,3,4 Mrigaseersham
1,2, |
(3) Mrigaseersham 3,4, Thirivathirai 1,2,3,4 Punarvasu 1,2,3 |
(11) Avittam 3,4 Sathayam 1,2,3,4 Purattathi 1,2,3 |
TO 360 DEGREES Aswini to Revathi Nakshatra 27 Constellations divided by 4 quarters each. |
Katakam Punarvasu 4, Pusam 1,2,3,4 Ayilyam 1,2,3,4 |
(10) Uthiradam 2,3,4 Thiruvonam 1,2,3,4 Avittam 1,2 |
Simmam Makam 1,2,3,4 Puram 1,2,3,4 Uthiram 1 |
Dhanusu (9) Moolam 1,2,3,4 Pooradam 1,2,3,4 Uthiradam
1 |
Virichikam (8) Visakam 4 Anusham 1,2,3,4 Kettai
1,2,3,4 |
(7) Chithirai 3,4 Swathi 1,2,3,4 Visakam 1,2,3 |
Kanni Uthiram 2,3,4 Hastham 1,2,3,4 Chithirai 1,2 |
The above two chart give you a clear picture as to star-wise as well as Degree-wise placement of constellations in each house. These twelve houses are known as Rasi.
Whether it is north Indian style or South Indian style of horoscope chart, normally both carry two chart namely Lagna Rasi Chakram ( Lagna Kundali) and Navamsa Chakram (Navamsa Kundali). Though the system and divisions in both style are the same, the only difference being South Indian Horoscope Chart shown in Clock-wise movements, wherein North Indian Horoscope charts are shown in Anti Clock-wise.
Meenam | Mesham | Rishabam | Mithunam |
Kumbam |
Katakam | |
Makaram | Simmam | ||
Dhanusu | Virichikam | Thulam | Kanni |
Though the Navamsa Kundali known as Navamsa chakram is similar to the main horoscope chart, the planetary alignments are positioned according to the placement of planets in the original main chart. This is called as 9 divisions of nakshatra rasi to make Navamsa Kundali.

The above chart shows 01 as Ascendant. But practically, whichever the sign is falling into ascendant that will be placed at the top (in place of 01 – here the 01 or the Ascendant is not necessarily “Aries” but can be any other Lagna). Then it is counted from there on, in anti-clock wise till the 12th sign. Most important to note here is, that which ever the Lagna a person is born under, placed on the top.
Now for the houses and the moon sign along with Ruler of the houses, the following chart is given in detail for a simple study. One can easily recognize the zodiac signs and its influence with each body part and plus and minus points of its actual placement at the time of birth. In the Natal chart erected for a person, the planetary alignments are to be taken into account, while giving any judgment for the same. However, the Running Dasa Bukti, and its sub, sub-sub divisions are to be considered; also, the transition of any planet at a given time is to be considered for predictions. The following Rasi Chakram Chart illustrate the simple notations on the same.
In this Rasi Chakram, The House, Hindu Moon Sign name, Ruling Planet, Zodiac Name in English, Organ controlled by, relative indications of body part in control with this planet, human body parts likely to affect, if in malefic positions, The Nakshatras allotted to this segment of Rasi, planets that are malefics if occupies this sign and the Benefic planets to this sign are given in sequence. However, the Running Dasa bukti, current placement or transitions of a particular planet, are the factors to be taken into account for predictions. The sign and chart is placed here according to South Indian style horoscope charts and are in Clock-wise position beginning from Mesham. |
In the next article we will discuss about the Planets influences and the Earth.
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