Samashti Upanayanam 2025


Sri Kainkaryam Kriya Trust has been performing Samashti Upanayanam for Brahmin boys for the past 4 years at Taramani Chennai. This year we intent to perform the upanayanam in March / April 2025.

We request like minded Astikaas to spread the word in you known circles and refer any Brahmin boy preferably age 7-13 years.

Please fill out the below form to register for upanayanam and we will contact you

Please contact any of the below for for details

Srinivasan -9445842673

Srivathsan – 9176659336

Balaji R- 9884804343

Balaji T-8939924179

Krishnakumar -9940338826

    TRS Iyengar

    Born on Makara Uthiradam star, native of Mukkur and brought up in Ladavaram village near Arcot and now well settled in Mumbai for over five decades. Presently, at 70, trying to run this website without any commercial expectations or profit motive, just for the sake of our future generations to understand about Sanatana Dharma & Srivaishnavam sampradayam.Within my limited knowledge that I put it here, what I learnt from the world.