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Lifestyle Articles

Go Bananas! Banana Tree, Trunk, Fruit, Leaves and its usages

Srivaishnavam  Parambaryam, Traditions &  The Culture that stands Class apart from others Essence of Srivaishnavam Practices – Banana Tree and its Usages to Humankind Banana, The Tree, It’s usage & value to the society...

Womens’ favourite Ornamental Jewellery – Hindu Jewels

Ornamental Jewels & Essential Jewellery wear – Is it only for decorative purpose ? Does any women need it really? What are Significance of wearing ornaments of Jewel for woman in Particular? What if they don’t wear it? The modern trend is...

Women’s Section >Ornament & Jewellery > Nose Ring – Mukkutthi

Mookuthi? Mukuthi? Or Mukuthee? Nath Or Naath? Significance of Nose Piercing & Nose Jewel known as nose stead by TRS Iyengar It is widely believed and thought that the nose is exclusively for sensual...

Akshaya Thrutheeyai – Akshaya Thiruthiyai – Day for Charity & not for buying Gold!

Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana ! The Significance & Importance of Akshaya Tritiya (Akshaya Thrutheeyai) “There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the 3 things we crave most in life – happiness, freedom,...

Navaratri Celebrations, Dasserah & Bommai Kolu

Essence of Srivaishnavam Practices NAVRATRI  (DASARA) & VIJAYA DASAMI FESTIVAL CELEBRATIONS By TRS IYENGAR Srivaishnavites in general observe the Navaratri, well known Dasserah  (Dasara) festival, as an opportune time to mingle with one another,...

Deepavali (Diwali) Festival

Essence of Srivaishnavam Practices Deepavali  or ( Diwali) Deepavali or Deepawali, one of the festivals celebrated all over India is known as Diwali in North India and is celebrated for 3 full days. This festival has an inner meaning...

Primordial soup!”, Modern Education & The Reality

Essence of Srivaishnavam Practices – Home by Sri Sri Nitai Das Prabhu In our modern degraded age of Kali yuga education in the schools became very influential in a negative way. People become very...

The meaning of Sri, Shri and Sree

In this website, you will find usage of the word “Sri” in most contents that is used more often. The Actual meaning of the word Sri – (Sri), as given in the Sanskrit dictionary...

Goddess of mental Happiness! A tribute to all women.

Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana ! Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana ! > Fore-word: This an important and well documented article written by Mr. Vishal Agarwal (details of his contact are given at the bottom of...

My Family Photo Album – Mukkur TRS Iyengar

Essence of Srivaishnavam Practices  Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana !Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana ! This is my family and worth I should mention here, they are my life! Above is the latest one taken on...