Names of Rishis, The Authors of Rg Veda

Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana !

Sri Sudarsana, The Wheel God Known as Chakrathazhwar.

Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana !


Oldest Vedic Script, the Rg Veda, the Authors of Rig Veda, Names of some of the Rishis

Before we start getting the names of great Rishis, we should know first the Saptha Rishis, known as the Seven Great Rishis. There is a Saptha Rishi Mandalam in our stellar system which signifies the importance of these Seven great Rishis. The names that symbolizes the saptha Rishi Mandalam are:








Apart from the Rishi Mandala names, the Seven Important Rishis names are listed in the Ithihasa; They are: Athri, Bruku, Kuthsa, Vasishta, Gauthama and Aangirasa. However, the Gothra Rishis are in a differently arranged one as : Bruku, Aangirasa, Athri, Viswamitra, vashita, Kasyapa & Agasthya. Please note, that the names of Adri, Kasyapa and Vasishta are listed in the Rishi Mandala, Rishi grouping and also in the Gothra Rishi list. This proves their important role in formulations of basics in the Vedic Scripts.

And the next one we should know at the beginning is the names of 7 Chchandas – viz., Gayatri, Ushnik, Anushtub, Bruhathee, Bhangthi, Thrushtup and Jagathee. These are the notations that one will see in every Vedic script that pronounces the names of Rishis who composed it and the Chhandas that it belong to and finally the Devatha it is in composition within. Now let us proceed with knowing the names of the Great Rishis, who composed the oldest script known as Rg Veda (Rig Vedam).

Following are the known names of the Rishis, but not all of them so popular; all these Rishis composed many versus of Mantras mentioned included, which are part of the syllabi of various Upanishads. Those who are of Sama Veda and perform the Upakarma, might have come across mose of the following Rishis names.  Each syllabi divided into various Parts known as Mandalas that comprises 64 chapters Sakala Sakha are classified in a different method in the Bhaskala sakha of Rigveda (with minor variations) into ten mandalas. The first mandala has 191 sookthas, then in the order from 2nd to 10th mandalas, respectively 43, 62, 58, 87, 75, 104, 103, 114 and 191 sookthas are present. The number of Riks in each suktha or each mandala is vary significantly. Say for example in the first mandala there are 2006 Riks included 191 sookthas and in the last Mandala has 191 sookthas but consists of only 1754 Riks.

One might have heard the names of some of the Rishis who have composed our Puranas (The oldest Scriptures), Itihasas (History of Great Indian Events) etc. But we might not have heard the names of majority of the Rishies who composed Veda mantra. Some of the names are special. However if a researcher would like to go deep into the subject of the ‘names’ of these Vedic Rishis, he can understand that these names have very special meaning or message. Given below are the names of Rishis who composed the Rig Veda. These names are presented here only just to give an awareness on the names of the Vedic Rishis: (What I heard is there were more than 182 Rishis, but I could gather the names of only 161 Rishis. If anyone is in the know of the other names, kindly send it to me, so as to include the missing names and publish the omitted names of the great Sages of yesteryears).

  1. Kanwa
  2. Sunsepha
  3. Aangeeras
  4. Athri
  5. Praskanwa
  6. Savya Aangeeras
  7. Nodha Gouthama
  8. Gouthama Rahoogana
  9. Kuthsa Aangeerasa
  10. Kasyapa
  11. Dhairghathamas
  12. Romasa
  13. Daivodaasi
  14. Ouchadthya
  15. Agasthya
  16. Lopaamudra
  17. Gurthsamada Sounaka
  18. Viswamitra Gaadhina
  19. Rushabha Viswamitra
  20. Utkeela kaathya
  21. Katho Viswamitra
  22. Gaathee Kousika
  23. Bhartha
  24. Prajapati Viswamitra
  25. Vamadeva Gouthama
  26. Thrasadsyu
  27. Athreya
  28. Kumara Athreya
  29. Vrusojaana
  30. Vasusrutha
  31. Isha athreya
  32. Gaya athreya
  33. Suthambhara Aathreya
  34. Dharuna Aangeerasa
  35. Pururathreya
  36. Vaprirathreya
  37. Prayaswantha Aathreya
  38. Sasa Aathreya
  39. Viswasaama Aathreya
  40. Gopayana
  41. Loupaayana
  42. Vasooyava Aathreya
  43. Bharatha Raja
  44. Viswamithrarathreya 
  45. Babhrurathreya
  46. Gaathurathreya
  47. Prabhuvasurangeerasa
  48. Athri Bhouma
  49. Avathsaara Kasyapa
  50. Sadaavuruna Aathreya
  51. Prathikshathra Aathreya
  52. Achanaana Aathreya
  53. Bharadhwaaja
  54. Bharhaspathya
  55. Suhotra Bharadwaja
  56. Bharathwaja
  57. Samyu Bruhaspati
  58. Gargya Bhradwaja (There are many Rishis from Bharadwaaja kula)
  59. Maitravaruna
  60. Vasisthaputra
  61. Viswamanu
  62. Vaivaswatha Manu
  63. Medhathithi Kanwa
  64. Syaavascha Aathreya
  65. Naabhakakanwa
  66. Syaavascha Aathreya
  67. Viroopa angeerasa
  68. Thrisoka Kanwa
  69. Vasosavya
  70. Ghora Karna
  71. Bhaga Praagatha
  72. Pragaatha Kanwa
  73. Purhanma Aangeerasa
  74. Haryatha Praaagaatha
  75. Gopavana Aathreya
  76. Kurusutri Kanwa
  77. Kruthsa Bhargava
  78. Ekadhyunoundhas
  79. Kuseedikanwa
  80. Krishna Aangeeras
  81. Nrumedha Aangeeras
  82. Thirascheera Aangeeras
  83. Repha Kasyapa
  84. Nomobhargava
  85. Jamadagnir Bhargava
  86. Sobhari Kanwa
  87. Medhathithi Kanwa
  88. Hiranyasthoopa Aangeeras
  89. Darddyachyutha
  90. Bindhurangeeras
  91. Nidhruvee Kasyapa
  92. Ambareesha
  93. Yaama
  94. Yaamee
  95. Yamavaivaswatha
  96. Yaamayatha
  97. Vimada Aindra
  98. Vasuka
  99. Aindra
  100. Kavasha Ailoosha
  101. Lusadhana
  102. Abhithaapa Sourya
  103. Ghosha Kaakshivati
  104. Suhashtya Ghousheya
  105. Saptha Guru Aangeeras
  106. Agni Souchika
  107. Gayaplaatha
  108. Vasu Karna
  109. Vasukra
  110. Aayaasya Aangeerasa
  111. Sumitra Vandhyaswa
  112. Beruhaspati Lounkhya
  113. Viswakarma Bhouvana
  114. Manyuthaapasa
  115. Suryasaaavitri
  116. Vrushtikaama
  117. Vaikhanasa
  118. Mulagala Bharmaswa
  119. Dhurmitra
  120. Vairoopa
  121. Agniyutha
  122. Bhiskshur Aangeerasa
  123. Atharvana
  124. Vaasishta
  125. Hiranyagarbha
  126. Vagamdhruni
  127. Kusika
  128. Parameshti
  129. Sakapootha
  130. Paijavana
  131. Aapsathya
  132. Brahma
  133. Nainruthi
  134. Vairraaja
  135. Vathayana
  136. Aghamarshana
  137. Samvanana
  138. Naaraddha
  139. Bhabrava
  140. Shoki
  141. Shakalya
  142. Badapaa
  143. Bhaguri
  144. Dhandyaa
  145. Rurukeesha
  146. Bhatkasheera
  147. Kuhusaa
  148. Bhahava
  149. Jaananthu
  150. Maandavya
  151. Mithravarsha
  152. Santhokamaake
  153. PraNavalkee
  154. Aupamanya
  155. Khamboja
  156. Sushravasa
  157. Araala
  158. Dharthreya
  159. Rushyasinghara
  160. Mithrabhuva Kasyaba
  161. Vibhandaka Kasyaba

Above are the Ancient Vedic Rishis who composed or scripted the Rg-Veda mantra. The names of other Rishis & Rishikas, though not necessarily the composers of Rg Vedic scripts are given in alphabetically given in this page.  (It is still possible that some more names might be there in the Puranas and still there can be some omissions. If anyone brings the names of other Rishis too, I shall gladly add it to this list). 

When one recites or chants the Rigveda manthra, just before reading, he is expected to chant the name of the Rishi who composed the manthra, the chandas (chandas is based on the number of letters in each Rik/mantra in the suktha) and also the Vedic deity of adoration (the deity of the manthra). Before we start reciting any specific slokha or mantra, the relevant Rishi who composed it and and the Chandas and the Devatha name is given at first, an example is given from Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam as below :

Sri Veda VyasO Bhagavan Rishi, Anushtub chanda: Sri Mahavishnu Paramaathmaa Sriman NaarayaNo devata..
then the Sahasra naamam mantra is to be recited.

Here the author of the manthra is Veda Vyaasa, The chandas is anushtub and the Vedic Deity is Sriman Narayana (Sri MahavishNu). Here the name of the Rishi, the chandas and the devatha are given in that order.

So it is easy to understand who has composed each manthra. There are many mantras composed by the same Rishi but with different Devatha. There are also mantras composed by the family members of the same Rishi. In the Rigveda text, you can read the names of the composer of each manthra.
To know the names given above one has to read it several times, to understand and know the names of the composers of the greatest and the first literature in the world, Rig Veda.

In the next article, I shall give the Gothra Pravaram, grouping of Rishis under specific Gothra which is the main contents while doing Abhivathanam to elders while prostrating, they recite the Gothra, Soothra and name etc.

TRS Iyengar

Born on Makara Uthiradam star, native of Mukkur and brought up in Ladavaram village near Arcot and now well settled in Mumbai for over five decades. Presently, at 70, trying to run this website without any commercial expectations or profit motive, just for the sake of our future generations to understand about Sanatana Dharma & Srivaishnavam sampradayam.Within my limited knowledge that I put it here, what I learnt from the world.

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