Srivaishnavam Parambaryam, Traditions & The Culture that stands Class apart from othersEssence of Srivaishnavam Practices – Relevance of Hinduism in Today’s World

Hinduism in a Nutshell
Srimathe Lakshminrusimha Parabhrammane Nama:

Dharmo Rakshathi Rakshitha:
Hinduism in a Nutshell
TRS Iyengar
Every religion has its plus and minus point. No religion can be termed superior or inferior. However, tolerance is the most important thing and the main Essence of Hinduism. That’s why, many religions co-exist and survive in India.
Sarve Janaas sukhino bhavanthu. Lokaas samasthaas sukhino bhavanthu.
Sarve badraani pasyanthu. Samastha sanmangalaani santhu.
OMM Saanthi, Saanthi, Saanthi:
These are the main plank of Hinduism as it is given in Sanskrit.
The rough translation runs thus : Let all the people be happy. Let the entire world be happy. Let every Dharma grow and glow. Let there be every good thing happen to all. Let peace peace prevail everywhere. These are the key words of the Veda. In short, let all the people, irrespective of caste, creed, Religion & faith in harmony and happily.
In India there are seven major religions viz. Hindus, Muslim. Christian, Sikh, Jain, Parsees and Buddhists. All have co-existed from time immemorial. May be of late the tolerance capacity has reduced, but still it has not fully faded away.
Hinduism in general is a multiplicity of several faiths and there are three major divisions viz. Vaishnavites, Shaivites and commons, who worship Lord Vishnu – the preserver, Lord Shiva – the destroyer and Lord Brahma – the creator, respectively. Again, there are innumerable sub divisions among each
sect and faith. One may wonder, how such tiny sects can be formed and followed!
Over and above, this Religion gives freedom to one and all, to chose their form of worship and that too without any compulsions. Here, one is free to adhere to his faith or free himself from the religious routines. It is left to an individual to accept any faith or belief he needs or reject it in Toto. Does any other religion give you this much of freedom? In India, one creates his own God and worships Him too. That much of freedom one enjoys here!
Dharma and Karma the two issues works wonderful things in a day-to-day life. God fearing is one most of the Hindus possess in mind. This keeps them in doing any unlawful or moving against nature of law. Thus the entire human community is protected with justice. Hinduism preaches non-violence in general. It considers even trees and plants are worth worshipping because of its cherished value it passes to the human kind.
Hindus worship, apart from God and Nature, Cows also. A cow is considered most sacred for Hindus. In the form of Gomata or mother cow, gives multiple benefit to the society. Even its urine is consumed in small quantities, to purify one’s body. Some of the researchers even found that it is a preventive medicine for many ill health’s. And particularly it even cures kidney ailments. According to a report appeared in the Indian Express of Mumbai edition (read the following news clipping published on the January 14, 2000), states that Gomutra (gomutram) or the Cow’s Urine highly beneficial in the treatment of Asthma, headache and tooth problems too!

The Brahmins used to consume Panchacavya (panchakavyam) (i.e. a mixture of five items, namely Cow dung, Cow’s Urine, Cow’s milk, Curd and Ghee made of Cow’s milk) during thread wearing ceremony and also whenever they perform any orthodox rituals. This is done to purify one’s body from any sins and make him fit for the rituals. Even today it is widely accepted and performed.
During Vedic Era, there were no castes but people were assigned jobs. Based on their profession they were divided in to groups Such as the Ruler or King as Kshatriya, the Carpenter, Goldsmith & Ironsmiths and the businessmen as Vaisyas, and the persons who served the Kingdom as Sudras. The Brahmins were considered as most learned people, who with their rigorous and strict adherence to their daily routines with orthodox principle, advised the Ruler and general public and guided them in their day-to-day life. Additionally the Brahmins used to propagate the teachings of Vedic Science and performed daily prayers and Puja at all the temples.
Although the topographic, climatic and linguistic differences are there from State to State, the worship, name and fame of the Gods are the same everywhere. This can be seen right from Southern end of Kanyakumari to the Northern end of Kashmir.
Hindus worshipped the Nature in the form of five basic elements namely Earth, Water, Air, Sky and Fire. Later, many of these gave way to new altars. You name a subject, you will find a God in that form in one or other corner of the land called Bharat, that is India!
India is very rich in its traditions and civilization. Hinduism is considered as the oldest Religion in the World dating back to 6000 years. Yet, Hinduism survived the onslaught of every invader. In addition,
it continues to hold majority of Indians in its fold, because of the firm belief and the fact is, Hindus or born. They are not created. This in itself is the proof of its strength and value.
One can go on and on in praise of Hinduism. But the most important and Vital ones are briefed here. Hope this article gives a fair picture of Hinduism concisely.
Here goes the Part of The 4th Chapter of Srimad Bhagavat Gita, it is stated:” karmany akarma yah pasyed
akarmani ca karama yah
sa buddhiman manushyesu
sa yuktah krishna-karma-krit“Quoted below is the rough translation & interpretation from different philosophers (Sri Adi Sankara, Sri Ramanuja & Sri Madhvacharya) as sent to me by Mr. V. Vijayaraghavan :
Adi Sankara interpreted ‘Akarma’ as inaction and hence he translated as ‘One who sees action in inaction and inaction in action is a yogi.’ As per his explanation, even when one is not performing any action if his mind is thinking actively he is performing an action for which God will be judging him. On the other hand when one is performing an action selflessly he is not performing any action in the eyes of God. A person who is able to understand this principle is a yogi.
Ramanuja interpreted ‘Akarma’ as the knowledge associated in performing the Karma properly. Hence he felt that the sloka stressed that not only action but also the knowledge to do the action properly is required and a person who understands the importance of both is a yogi.
Madhvacharya interpreted ‘Akarma’ as Vishnu’s karma as ‘A’ means also Vishnu in Sanskrit. One who sees all Karma as Vishnu’s Karma (work done for Lord) and all Vishnu’s Karma as his karma he is a yogi.Longing for success in action, In this world, (men) worship the Gods, So that success resulting from action, Is quickly attained in the human world. Interestingly, I got an Email on the above contents, from one Sri Anant Vinjamuri, asking me to clarify on the part of Hindu’s Non-violence theory. I reproduce below the entire text as I got from him: Quote:Your assertion that Hinduism generally promotes non violence is wrong. Hinduism says to protect dharma and fight Adharma you have to use violence. That is what Bhagawan Krishna told Arjunaasking him not to hesitate to kill his own relatives because they represent Adharma. All the Avatars were born only to kill to protect Dharma. Narasimhavatram to kill Hiranyakasipu. Ramavataramto kill Ravana, Krishnavatram to kill his own uncle Kamsa and so on. Where does non violence exists in Hinduism. Can you please substantiate your statement?Unquote There is certainly a modest teaching in every scripts of Hinduism that guides the society. Please understand, that Violance is a totally different thing from “Force”. Non-violence does not mean toaccept Adharma. It is called as “Force” rather than violence! Sure, one has to judge the circumstances and the happening before one gets to set things straight. Wherever it needs, one as to actswiftly to counterAdharma, by any means – Sama, Beda, Dhana & Dhanda! Here, the punishing act of Dhanda comes only in the last resort! Not at the first place. To protect the citizens from theenemy, a nation can surely use all the military powers where it never counts to Violence. When something wrong takes place, one can use the force to set it right, if the situation warrants. Why,a police officer chasing a speeding Vehicle too crosses the speed limits to catch the offender. Can anyone say that the police officer should be punished because he too crossed the speed limits?in practical terms, one has to deal with the situation to judge the circumstances. The non-violence theory is quoted for a day to day life for peaceful co-existence and not to be taken or grantedto accept Violence in any form. And that is part of essence in Hinduism which signifies its glory!
Om, Shanthi, Shanthi, Shanthi:
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