Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana !

Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana !

North India & Nepal Temples
100. Thiru Salagramam – Sri Moorthy Perumal Temple
About the Temple & Location :
Muktinath is a pilgrimage shrine located 140 miles from Kathmandu in the snow clad Himalayas and it is located near the Kandaki river famous for the Salagrama stones. Muktinath is also one of the 51 Shivites’ Sakthi Peetams of India.
There is lots of doubt, where this Divyadesam is located. Some says that Mukthinath, which is found 170 miles from Katmandu, it is said the Salagrama Kshetram which is found on the banks of Kandaki river. Mukthinath is otherwise called as “Mukthi Narayanan kshetram”.
But, some say, about 65 miles away from Katmandu, there is a place by named “Damodhara Kund”, which is on the bank of Kandaki river is said to be the Salagrama sthalam.
But, whatever it might be, we all the devotees should consider that the stones (the Salagramam) which is found on the bank of Kandaki river is said to be considered as the Salagrama sthalam.
1. This sthalam is said to be one of Suyambhu sthalam (Suyambhu means originated on its own) and to explain this speciality the perumal is found as “Nithya Saanthiyam” (always (or) permanently found).
2. The Salagramam is said to be having Jeevan with in and considered to be one among the precious stones. If this Salagramam is kept in houses and done Poojas in a proper way, all the Ashta Lakshmis stay in our house and we can get out from all the burden.
3. Like how, the Thiru Neeru (Vibhoodi) that is given in Lord Shiva temple doesn’t have any dhosham, irrespective of the body condition, this Salagramam also have the same character.
4. Since this Salagrama sthalam is on the bank of pure river (Kandaki Nadhi) and this Salagramam is said to be the stone of purity, there is no need to do the “Samprokshanam”.
(Samprokshanam is a custom which is done to a temple to purify the place in and around a Temple.)
The Moolavar of this Salagrama sthalam is Sri Moorthy Perumal. He is standing posture (Nindra thirukkolam) North. Prathyaksham for Brahma deva, Rudra and Kandaki.
The thaayar of this Divyadesam is Sri Devi Naachiyaar.
Periyalwar – 2 Paasurams.
Thirumangai Alwar – 10 Paasurams.
Chakkara Theertham
Kandaki Nadhi
Kanaka Vimaanam.
This Divyadesam is almost in Indian Border line. There is confusion prevails, where this Divyadesam is located. Mukthinath, which is found 170 miles from Katmandu, it is said this Salagrama Kshetram is found on the banks of Kandaki river. Mukthinath is otherwise called as “Mukthi Narayanan Kshetram”. But, some say that Mukthinath is said that this divyadesam originated on the River Kandaki. But, some say, about 65 miles away from Katmandu, there is a place by named “Damodhara Kund”, which is found on the bank of Kandaki river is said to be the Salagrama sthalam. But, whatever it might be, we all the bhaktas should consider that the stones (the Salagramam) which is found on the bank of Kandaki river is said to be considered as the Salagrama sthalam.
While travelling towards this divyadesam many of wild animals are found roaming, which are considered as so dreadful. Because of this, it is advisable to go in groups containing 50 members and we can go to this sthalam only by getting the permission from the Nepal Government.
The Salagramam is said to be having Jeevan with in and considered to be one among the precious stones. If this Salagramam is kept in houses and done Poojas in a proper way, all the Ashta Lakshmis stay in our house and we can get out from all the burden. To explain about this, this sthala perumal, Sri Moorthy along with Sri Devi Naachiyaar is found facing along the direction of North, which is said to be the direction of Guberan, the God of wealth.
But if we do pooja to a salagramam which is found in damaged condition, it is not good for the family. So, doing poojas for a good conditioned Salagramam is advisable. But according to the Srivaishnava Deepika & also of Srivaishnava Sadhachaara Nirnaya, a book on Srivaishnavites routines, even a fractured or broken piece of Salagramam can be taken for daily pooja & prayers. Since the Lord resides in every atom, there is no exception for the fractured or broken Salagramam! So, devotees need not worry about the condition of such pieces.
This Salagrama sthalam is said to be found on the bank of pure river and Salagramam is said to be the stone of purity, there is no need to do the “Samprokshanam”. (Samprokshanam is a custom which is done to a temple whenever any false thing like anyone dies or bad issues happen in and around the Temple.)
Like how, the thiruneeru (Vibhoodi) that is given in Lord shivan temple doesnt have any dhosham, irrespective of the body condition, this Salagramam also have the same character.
The sthalapuranam of salagrama divyadesam is closely related to Kandaki river, Thulasi and Radhai.
Story of Thulasi:
Once, there lived a Manukula king named Kusadwajan, who had a wife by named “Madhavi”. She did a strong tapas towards Sriman Narayanan. As the result of her tapas, she earned a beautiful lady child and named haer as “Thulasi”.
Thulasi did strong tapas and she had in her mind that she should marry Sri Vishnu and attain him. Brahma appeared as a result of her tapas and gave her a varam that she will marry Sriman Narayanan in her next birth. And at the same time, Brahma devan said about her previous birth. He said that in the previous birth, she was born as one among the Gopikashrees (Radhai) and Sudhamar, hamsam of Lord Krishnar got attracted towards the beauty if you (Thulsi) and got the Sabham from Radhai that Sudhaman will be born in Earth and born as Sankha Choodan.
Sriman Narayanan turned as Sankha Choodam and went towards Thulasi’s house and Thulasi thinking that Sanka choodan has returned home, let her beauty to enjoy by Emperumaan. But soon after, she realised that the person who has aquired her beauty was not his husband but it is someone else and got rid from him. At that time, Emperumaan showed his seva and explained all about the varam she got and explained Sankha Choodan was also the amsam of Sriman Narayanan. But, at the same time, Thulasi was very much worried about the act of Sri Vishnu. At that time, Sriman Narayanan, explained her that Sankha choodan was the amsam of him (Sri Vishnu) and Thulasi is the amsam of Radha and as per the boon given by Brahma devan, she married Sriman Narayana.
After this, the perumal told her that her purity and her Aathma will flow like a river and that river is Kandaki river and the perumal he himself will originate from the pure river as “Salagramam“, the precious and spiritual stone.
To explain more about Thulasi, the perumal in Paarkadal worn her as the Garland, so that she is found on his body forever. Bhaktas who do poojas and explain her fame in Kaarthigai pournami are said to attain good position and they are not only blessed with Thulasi but also by Sriman Narayanan.
Kinds of Salagramam:
There are different kinds of Salagramam found in their shape and structure. They are
Lakshmi Narayana Salagramam
Lakshmi Janarthana Salagramam
Raghunatha Salagramam
Vaamana Salagramam
Sridhara Salagramam
Damodhara Salagramam
Raja Rajeshwara Salagramam
Rana Ragha Salagramam
Aadhisesha Salagramam
Madhusoodhana Salagramam
Sudharsana Salagramam
Gadhadara Salagramam
Hayagreeva Salagramam
Narasingha Salagramam
Lakshmi Narasingha Salagramam
Vasudeva Salagramam
Prathyumna Salagramam
Sangarshana Salagramam
Anirudha Salagramam
Like this, there are so much types of salagramam and these Salagramams are identified according to the holes and the shape and structure they are found.
If any 12 Salagramams are found and the pooja is done in a proper way in a house, the house is said to be treated as 108 Vaishnavite Divyadesams and this implies how pure and precious is the Salagramam. When this 12 Salagramam is done with proper pooja, they should keep the thirunamams of Sriman Narayanan (i.e.).
Om Sri Kesavaya Namaha :
Om Sri Madhavaya Namaha :
Om Sri Vishnuvaya Namaha :
Om Sri Thirivikramaya Namaha :
Om Sridharaya Namaha :
Om Sri Padmanabhaya Namaha :
Om Sri Narayanaya Namaha :
Om Sri Govindaya Namaha :
Om Sri Madhusoodhanaya Namaha :
Om Sri Vamanaya Namaha :
Om Sri Rishi Kesaya Namaha :
Om Sri Damodharaya Namaha :
So, irrespective of the size and the numbers of Salagramams, it is believed that if you worship in a proper way, Salagramam will lead us to a Good way and Mukthi.
A special and most important tips and guidance to the Devotees traveling to Holy Shrine Salagramam
1. Though, for Nepal travel there is no Visa required, it is always advisable to carry a proof of Identity and Nationality. While at exiting Nepal, one should prove his/her nationality and this would avoid delays and complications while traveling.
2. It is always recommended to travel in groups of 8-10 persons as it is unsafe to travel in single or couple. Also, it would be of very helpful to arrange the travel through some authorized travel agencies to get some assistance help when needed.
3. The approximate cost involved in way expenses etc. is INR.10000/- to 15000/- per person. It is suggested to carry some smaller denominations; avoid carrying Rs.1000/- and Rs.500/- currency notes; instead carry partly by cash and partly by travelers cheques; make sure that you get an endorsement in the cheques that it is valid in Nepal too. Take an exchange for some part of money in Nepal currency that would be handy and helpful at small outlets.
4. Instead of sticking to your orthodox nature, one must adjust to the circumstances and take care of health as prime concern; the climate, altititude and the breeze are too chilly and cold, that it might be bothersome for Asthma patients and elders.
5. As per the Government of India rules, nothing should be brought from Nepal by Indians. One must be very cautions and careful about this specific regulation and avoid buying anything from Nepal.
6. There is no shops in Mukthinath. One should make sure that they take the needed Medicine, Lunch, offering to the Lord etc. before leaving for Mukthinath.
7. Though most of the Hotels provide bedding and winter rugs, it is still recommended to take Shawls, Sweater, Full sleeves, Muffler, Canvas shoes, socks preferably woolen and a bed sheet. These items are needed while you travel outside and on pony ride.
8. You must have a lock and key for your suitcases, boxes and other bags; in some dormitories, they do not provide any lock so you have to carry an additional lock & key to safeguard your personal belongings.
9. Please do not take along with you any valuables. Extra ornaments, jewels are a cause to worry during travel. Just a normal or lesser jewels would do. You’re not going for any picnic, it is a pilgrimage to a Holy Shrine!
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