Yagnjopaveetham (Poonal)
Srimathe Lakshminrisimha Prabhrammane Nama:

Dharmo Rakshathi Rakshitha :
Holy thread, Why should I wear it ? What benefit do I get out of it?
By TRS Iyengar
Right from the Vedic days, every Brahman male child gets into Thread wearing Ceremony at the age of 7 years old. This is not so now. The actual meaning and reasons for doing so were practically given many more solutions for the present generations ill found ailments and physical disorders. 0ne must know all the reasons for things that Brahmans were following ritually and rigorously every day.
In those earlier Vedic days, a Brahmans duty was to perform daily Aupaasanam & Agni Santhanam as a family man and Samithadhanam as a Bachelor. It is a kind of worship, offering prayer to the Fire God and Soorya, – Suryan i.e. the Star Sun. This prayer offer in itself is an environmental cleansing act. Apart from this, they used to chant Vedic rhymes and phrases loudly, thus most of their energy were spent even though they were sitting at one place and do these. It means a lot of calories spent but fat accumulated. In those earlier Vedic days, a Brahmans duty was to perform daily Aupaasanam & Agni Santhanam as a family man and Samithadhanam as a Bachelor. It is a kind of worship, offering prayer to the Fire God and Suryan, i.e. Sun. This prayer offer in itself is an environmental cleansing act. Apart from this, they used to chant Vedic rhymes and phrases loudly, thus most of their energy were spent even though they were sitting at one place and do these. It means a lot of calories spent but fat accumulated. In those earlier Vedic days, a Brahmans duty was to perform daily Aupaasanam & Agni Santhanam as a family man and Samithadhanam as a Bachelor. It is a kind of worship, offering prayer to the Fire God and Soorya, i.e. Sun. This prayer offer in itself is an environmental cleansing act. Apart from this, they used to chant Vedic rhymes and phrases loudly, thus most of their energy were spent even though they were sitting at one place and do these. It means a lot of calories spent but fat accumulated.
In addition, a Brahmin was considered a most learned person, who knew the astronomical movements and astrological predictions. With this knowledge he was supposed to guide the public in general and the Rulers in particular. And for these services, he was paid by in way of his daily necessities (Pulse, milk, Curd, fruits and vegetables etc.).
By doing so all his rituals, most of the time he has to sit at one place, thus accumulating fats and cholesterol in his body. Since Brahmans were very orthodox vegetarians and eat only pulse, grain, milk, honey, Ghee and vegetables they started becoming fatter by day, gaining weight and cholesterol. And they did not find any time to do hard laborious jobs or exercises.
Because of these, they more frequently got kidney problems and other sorts of ailments. Through the Ayurveda, part of the Veda, they found many easy and early solutions but it did not suffice it. Hence, the alternate way of finding solution found.
Human anatomy, a precise location of parts in our body, was an easy accessible subject for the astrologers and Brahmans in those days. They found out that half of the problem occurring for human body is either because of renal failure or of bowel not cleared daily. And rest half of is by food habits and dieted propositions. And they easily got the link, that an important nerve connecting the Brain, Cervical and Kidney is passing through a persons right ear and if the pressure there could be controlled, then the kidney functioning can be just maintained and protected from damages.
Also, only at the age of 7 the kidney bladder starts functioning and till then the bladder doesn’t grow fully. Another most important factor is that human beings brain/memory cell expansion too begins at the age of 7 only. That’s why one cannot remember clearly what took place during the age of 4/5/6 but can mostly remember things after 7 years of age!
Thus, at the age of 7 all the Brahman boys were performed Upanayanam i.e. thread wearing ceremony and also from then taken to Gurukulam for learning Veda. This way they attained two-way benefit by learning rituals and scripts from Veda and also maintaining their physical capabilities from attacking diseases. After performing the thread ceremony, every Brahman, while passing urine, used to tie the thread to his right ear tightly, thus controlling the kidney bladder speed. Just as a speed regulator for any motor. This was the best alternate for their healthy living.
Also piercing their ear and wearing some ornamental ear stead found another mode of controlling the kidney bladder. This was combined with religion and health and to beautify the appearance too! In the earlier days, erring students were never beaten or slapped, but teachers used to pull the ears of the boys. It is said pulling ones ear frequently increases the memory power and also controls the renal functions.
Does it mean other than Brahman have no effects at all? Okay, this much is for gents. What about women? Do they not have kidney bladder and its malfunction and where is the mention regarding this?
Yes, they too had the aforesaid problems. But for them the ill effects were minimal because they worked very hard than their male counter parts at home. {and they are stronger than men too!!} However, they too were given some ornaments to wear in their ears as an alternate and also for decorative purpose. All right! Now what about people other than Brahmans? Do they not have kidney/bladder/failures etc.?
Yes, they do have. But for the fact, any person who works hard, mostly never get these sorts of diseases as the Brahmin had had. So they do not require these thread and stead etc.
But as a Brahmin I no longer sit at home, never chant or perform those rituals, but for my survival sake I am working to make my living. So why should I wear a thread now? In what way this will be helpful for one?
Man!, here your genetic factor applies! What your forefathers had a kind of disease, you are most likely to inherit it today! Beware, follow the rituals and keep your holy thread tightly tied to your right ear before you piss! Be aware the holy thread also keeps your body energy re-vibrated back into your body and it is never lost.
Holy Thread wear is not just to show you as a separate entity, no, not a classification as a cast or supremacy. The facts can be illustrated with a lot more explanations. But for the time being I give only this for one to realize what Upanayanam means. It is a promise to his Guru/Father that he will keep up his Brahmmacharyam, a promise he gives to follow Vedic scripts, an assurance that he give to the society he will be a good Brahman as one should be. As at the function, father questions him. And son agrees word by word to many and abide by his Gurus/fathers words.
As far the Upanayanam concerned the reasons and meaning are well explained in this article. You be the judge and come to your own conclusion for the details given above.
Now the age selection for this should be in odd years only because the brain cells expansions are said to be more active during these period. Moreover, the Upanayanam can only be performed from 7 to 15 years of age. Later on the brain cells memory-grasping power gives away for numerous activities, thus concentration of subject is reduced.
Now as for the learning Vedas & mantras; No doubt, the Vedic scripts are the guiding spirit for human. Here I need to bring in the Language in which it is produced. Sanskrit being a divine language, just because of its rich phonetically caused a vibration that makes your body and mind in a perfect fitness. Really it is a great gift to humankind, that such a fine rhythmic and resourceful language we got in the part of the Globe! Here is the Key, entire Vedic scripts and Slokhas happen to be in Sanskrit!
The varying sound that causes some vibrations, it differs for each and every word is so important. It is the soul of the language. In other languages, these sort of powerful vibrations are not achieved; hence it is favored only in Sanskrit. Like soft Carnatic music, which again gives some peace atmosphere at your body and mind, Sanskrit too has the higher value in these terms. If the word is pronounced in correct accent, then you derive more value in return. It is in this context, the Thaithriya Upanishad states, Varna, Swaram & Maathra, that are the strength of this Language.
The human’s semi solid or semi liquid neuron chips are perfectly responding to these Sanskrit versus than any other language. It is strengthened to maximum extent to be active for longer time. Sanskrit being called as a Divine Language, only because of its reproducible capacity of the sound and vibrations that is for betterment of the universe. So learning Veda is giving its full value by absorbing the vibrant. It would doubly benefit if you do so by knowing the meaning too.
Here are some interesting facts about the Poonool known as Yagnjopaveetham:
The sacred thread consists of three strands, (all common to Srivaishnavas, Smarthas & other Bachellors) joined by a knot known as Brahmagranthi or the knot of Brahma. The three strands symbolizes the Hindu trinity – Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma. There are various interpretations of the three strands to represent many of the other triads like Mahasarasvati, Mahalakshmi and Mahakali. Or the three qualities known as sattva, rajas and tamas; past, present and the future; the three states – wakefulness, dream and deep sleep. Some even say that it represents the three dimensions known as heaven (swarga), earth (martyaloka) and nether regions (patala).
But the most important meaning of the three strands is ida, pingala and sukshama nadi, through which the kundalini energy manifests as prana and consciousness. Yajno-pavita means ‘thread of sacrifice.’ That is so called because it symbolizes the sacrifice of ego, Anger & selfishness.
According to the Manusmrti which specifies the following ages for the initiation ceremony to take place:
In the eighth year after conception, (i.e. at the age of 7 on birth) one should perform the initiation (Brahmmobadesam – Upa-nayanam ceremony of sacred thread) of a Brahmin, in the eleventh year after conception for a Kshatriya and in the twelfth year that of a Vaisya. (Manu Smruthi II.36).
The sacred thread is a passport to obtain Vedic education. It is a prerequisite for learning Veda and also for marriage. For without it, in those days, no Brahmin man can dream of getting a bride for him. It was considered important because a person with Yajnopavitha must have undergone all the oaths associated with wearing it and should have led a celibate life and should have completed a major portion of his Vedic Sastras and education. A Brahmachari known as bachelor wears a single sacred thread that has three strands. A married person wears a pair of three bands each. A person who is married who is very orthodox, still with the family but has Sanyasa within the Grahasthasrama (does his daily routine and duties in the family, but unattached – like a drop of water lay on the lotus leaves).
I hope I clarified the reason why one should learn Veda. It can be learnt at any age, if you take interest. But at the younger age, the Varna & Swara (the phonetic sound and vibrations of rhythm) are quickly absorbable than at the old age.
An in-depth study will give you a lot more facts. Brahmanism and Srivaishnavam are really great things. 0ne cannot underestimate the Vedic meanings of our proud rituals. But a little understanding, following the rituals without fail will add a lot more confidence into our today’s lackluster Srivaishnavam society.
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