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TRS Iyengar

TRS Iyengar

Born on Makara Uthiradam star, native of Mukkur and brought up in Ladavaram village near Arcot and now well settled in Mumbai for over five decades. Presently, at 70, trying to run this website without any commercial expectations or profit motive, just for the sake of our future generations to understand about Sanatana Dharma & Srivaishnavam sampradayam.Within my limited knowledge that I put it here, what I learnt from the world.

Abasthamba Yajur Veda Sandhyavandanam-Sanskrit

Abasthamba Yajur Veda Sandhyavandanam-SanskritDownload

Significance & Importance of Divine Number 108

Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana ! Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana ! Why 108 – What it signifies? In Hinduism & Sanathana Dharma, 108 Importance for Srivaishnavas by TRS Iyengar We are well aware that all...

Prapti Siddhi – Prabthi Siddhi – A discussion

Prabthi Siddhi (Prapti Siddhi) The following are the interesting Email exchange between me and one Dr. Narayanan. In his quest, searching for the true divine subject which has eluded him finding an answer. In...

Sri Vishnu Ashtothra Satha Namavali (108 Vishnu Names)

Sri Vishnu Ashtothram, Mahavishnu Ashtothra Satha Namavali – 108 Names of Lord Sri Vishnu Sri Mahavishnu Ashtothra Satha Naamavali (108 Names of Sri Mahavishnu) Om Achyuthaaya Nama: Om MahaaMaayaaya Nama: Om Ananthaaya Nama: Om...

Women & Gayatri Japam

Women & Gayatri Japam Why should women not chant Gayatri Mantra        by TRS Iyengar There is a controversy existing that women should not recite/chant ‘Gayatri‘. As a matter of fact neither do the Vedic...

Oh God, It’s about you – More & More Contradictions -V

Srivaishnavam  Parambaryam, Traditions &  The Culture that stands Class apart from othersEssence of Srivaishnavam Practices – True God, Vedic Reliance explained. This article is in continuation of earlier discussions from previous page on Who is True God?!...

Oh God, It’s about you – More & More Contradictions – IV

Srivaishnavam  Parambaryam, Traditions &  The Culture that stands Class apart from othersEssence of Srivaishnavam Practices -Religion Articles – Who is True God? This discussion is continuation of previous page.. Reproduced below is the text...

Oh God, It’s about you – More & More Contradictions – III

Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana ! Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana ! This is in continuation from previous page…. Now it is time for me to discuss things in a particular way that will enlighten Mr....

Oh God, It’s about you – More & More Contradictions – II

Continued from previous page. The following are the further arguments put forth by Mr. Elias D’costa. This is in response to Mr. Srinivasan’s above post and I reproduce the same without editing or modifying...

Oh God, It’s about you – More & More Contradictions – I

  Religion Articles – II  -> More Contradictions OH GOD, NOW, MORE CONTRADICTIONS. AND IT IS ALL ABOUT YOU Who is the True Supreme God ?   The following text is the e-mail exchange between...