Srivaishnavam Parambaryam, Traditions & The Culture that stands Class apart from others
Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam – An in-depth study that adds glorious value to His name
The Sri Vishnu Sahasranam
Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam Slokha – 85 – 96 Page – 8 of 9
Sloka 85
udbhavah sundarah sundo ratna-nabhah su-locanah |
arko vaja-sanih sr’ngI jayantah sarva-vij-jayI ||
796. udbhavah – a) He Who rose above samsara. b) He Who is of a superior birth, taking birth as He likes, where He likes, when He likes. c) He from Whom everything originated. d) He Who resides in an exalted place ( SrI vaikunTham). e) He Who created the exalted gods and goddesses. f) He Who is born again and again for the protection of dharma. om udbhavaya namah
797. sundarah – a) He Who is handsome. b) He Who has the beautiful conch – pa’ncajanyam. c) He Who killed sunda through upasunda (sunda-rah). d) He Who is exceedingly well regarded and worshipped. e) He Who has separated or divided the different creatures well in many ways. Om sundaraya namah.
798. sundah – a) He Who presents Himself as a very soft person to the asura-s in order to convince them to follow His deceitful methods. b) He Who is soft to His devotees. c) He Who bestows joy and happiness on His devotees. Om sundaya namah.
799. ratna-nabhah – a) He with a gem-like navel. b) He Who has the navel from which the gem among men -brahma – originated. c) He Who destroys the asuras (aratna-nAbhah). d) He Who has ratna in His navel – in the form of ratna-s in the oceans. Om ratna-nabhaya namah.
800. su-locanah – a) One with bewitching eyes. b) He of superior wisdom. c) One Who has the wisdom and the vision of the Self. d) He Who gives everyone else the ability to see. om su-locanaya namah.
801. arkah – a) He Who is praised. b) He Who is in the form of the sun. Om arkaya namah.
802. vaja-sanih – a) He Who advocated eating a lot (a Preacher of mundane pleasures, like eating). b) He Who provides for the nourishment of all His creation. Om vaja-sanaye namah.
803. sr’ngi – a) He Who appears like one having a horn (with a bunch of peacock feathers in his hand). b) He Who had a horn in His matsya and varAha incarnations. c) He With the peak of Govardhana mountain on His hand. d) He Who has provided every creature with the means to express its sr’nga or expression of power. e) He Who destroys the fear of birth in His devotees. Om sr’ngine namah.
804. jayantah – The Conquerer. Om jayantaya namah.
805. sarva-vij-jayI – a) The Conqueror of those who had learnt all things. b) He Who is Omniscient and Victorious. c) He Who had won over the hearts of the all-knowing sages. Om sarva-vij-jayine namah.
Sloka 86
suvarnabindurakshobhyah sarvavagisvaresvarah |
mahahrado mahagarto mahabhuto mahanidhih ||
806. suvarna-binduh – a) He Who concealed the truth of the vedic path from the asura-s with sweet words. b) He Who has a beautiful form with golden-colored beautiful limbs. c) He Who is in the form of the auspicious praNava mantra. d) He Who has a beautiful form, and Who has beautifully divided the creatures of the universe into their various parts. e) The Knower of the veda-s consisting of auspicious letters. f) He Who has the beautiful golden-colored sandalwood marks on His forehead, cheeks, etc. Om suvarna-bindave namah.
807 – a-kshobhyah – He who is unshaken by desire. Om akshobhyaya namah.
808. sarva-vag-isvara-isvarah – The Lord of all who have a mastery over all words. Om sarva-vag-isvara-isvaraya namah.
809. maha-hradah – a) The Vast Lake in which the sinners drown never to rise again, and the devotees dip again and again to get relief. b) He Who is associated with the deep waters, as in kAlIya mardanam, or in His reclining on the Milk Ocean. c) He Who has created the great oceans so that the earth does not become completely dry and perish. Om maha-hradaya anamah.
810. maha-gartah – a) He Who pushes the great sinners into the great pit of samsAra. b) The Great Charioteer of mahabharata fame. c) The One with the Great Chariot (with the Garuda in its flag). d) He Who resides in the great mountains such as Seshacala. e) The Great Pit in which everything in this Universe originates, resides, and merges back. Om maha-gartaya namah.
811. maha-bhutah – a) He Who considers great men as His own. b) He Who is a Great Being. c) He Who is the Origin of the five elements. Om maha-bhutaya namah.
812. maha-nidhih – a) He Who has the great treasure in the form of His devotees. b) He Who is a great treasure for His devotees. c) He Who is the Abode of everything in the Universe. d) He Who is like a treasure from which His devotees can draw at will. Om maha-nidhaye namah.
Sloka 87
kumudah kundarah kundah parjanyah pavano’nilah |
amrtaso’mrta-vapuh sarva~jnah sarvato-mukhah ||
813. kumudah – a) He Who is on this earth with delight by enjoying the association with His devotees. b) One Who gladdens the earth by ridding it of the evil-doers. c) One Who bestows the auspicious world of parama padam. d) One Who delights in the sky, in the form of the sun. e) He Who wears a garland made of blue lilies. Om kumudaya namah.
814. kundarah – a) The Bestower of the knowledge of the Supreme Reality (kunda-rah). b) He Who dissolves or eliminates the sins accumulated over countless births (kun-darah). c) He Who bestows benefits as agreeable as the kunda flower (kunda-rah). d) He Who accepts offering that are pure like the kunda flowers (kunda-lah). e) He Who pierced the earth in His varAha incarnation in search of hiranyaksha (kum-darah). f) One Who gives what is sought or what is desired. g) He Who created the oceans by tearing apart the earth (kum-darah). h) He Who is very pleased with the offerings of the kunda pushpa-s by His devotees (kunda-rah). Om kundaraya namah.
815. kundah – a) He Who grants the successive stages of higher knowledge. b) He Who cleanses the sins of His devotees. c) He Who is pure and beautiful like the kunda (jasmine) flower. d) He Who bestows purity like the kunda flower to His devotees. e) He Who has the spear by name kunta (kuntah). f) One who is sharp like the kunta spear in removing the sins of His devotees (kuntah). g) He Who gave an offering of the earth to kasyapa rshi. h) He Who eliminated the bad kshatriya kings from the earth. i) He Who cleanses the earth through the sun, rain, etc. Om kundaya namah.
816. parjanyah – a) He Who bestows His blessings on the devotees like the rain-cloud. b) He from whom a superior birth is attained. c) He Who protects. Om parjanyaya namah.
817. pavanah – a) He Who is the forrn of the wind. b) He Who moves to His devotees to remove their distress. c) He Who purifies in the form of wind, agni, water, etc. d) He Who protects the protectors – the kings (pA + avanah). Om pavanaya namah.
818. anilah – a) He Who need not be goaded by anyone in His blessing the devotees (an-ilah). b) He Who has no enforcer above Him. c) He Who is easily accessible to His devotees (a-nilah). d) He Who is the Giver of life-breath to everything else. e) He Who is ever awakened. f) One Who needs no support. g) One Who does not have a fixed residence, One Who is in the form of the wind, etc. h) He Who has no end. i) One Who has no binding to papa, punya, etc. j) He Who gave the kingdom (to ugrasena after killing kamsa). k) He Who spent sleepless nights (planning how to save rukmini). om anilaya namah.
819. amrtasah – a) He Who feeds His devotees with the Nectar – Himself. b) He Who consumed the nectar after churning the Milk Ocean. c) One Who has an ever-living will to give fruits. d) One Whose wishes are failure-proof. e) One Who is dear to the mukta-s. f) One Who provides unending means of survival for His creation. Om amrtasaya namah.
820. amrta-vapuh – a) He of a Nectar-like body. b) He Who has an immortal form. c) He Who sows and cuts the lives of this Universe continuously irrespective of time. Om amrta-vapushe namah.
821. sarvaj~nah – a) He Who knows all. b) He Who knows all the needs of all His devotees. Om sarvajnaya namah.
822. sarvato-mukhah – a) He Who can be approached from many paths. b) He Who has faces on all sides. Om sarvato-mukhaya namah.
Sloka 88
sulabhah su-vratah siddhah Satru-jit Satru-tapanah |
nyag-rodhodumbaro’Svatthah canurandhra-nishudanah ||
823. su-labhah – a) He Who can be easily attained. b) He Who makes it possible to attain sukham (sukham labhata). Om su-labhaya namah.
824. su-vratah – a) He Who has taken a good, strong vow. b) He Who accepts only the pure food that is offered with sincerity by His selfless devotees. c) He Who controlled what He consumed appropriately in His nara-narayana incarnation. d) He Who controls everything in this universe and keeps them in order. e) He Who observed all the vrata-s rigorously in His Krishna incarnation, even though He was the Supreme Soul. Om su-vrataya namah.
825. siddhah – a) He Whose protection is ever available without any special effort on the part of His devotees. b) He Who is the siddhopaya – the already existing means – for attaining moksham. c) He Who is fully accomplished, without dependence on anyone or anything else. d) He Who makes His devotees accomplished – in their tapas and other efforts to attain Him. e) He Who gave us the Sastras, or He Who bestows auspiciousness on us. f) The final conclusion – the Ultimate Truth – through all means of proof available to us. g) He Who accomplishes all His undertakings flawlessly to completion and perfection. om siddhaya namah.
826. Satru-jit-satru-tapanah – He Who occupies the bodies of Satru- jits to torment His devotees’ enemies. Om satru-jit-satru-tapanaya namah.
827. nyag-rodhodumbarah – He Who has the Supreme Abode with Lakshmi and everything that is magnificent, but Who is at the command of the devotees who approach Him with folded hands. a) He Who has the most auspicious SrI vaikuntham as His own. b) He Who is `above the sky’, i.e., superior to all. c) He Who nourishes the world in the form of food etc. d) One Who has the best of sounds – the veda-s, as His form. e) He Who is praised by the highest and best of sounds – bhajans, nama-sankirtanas etc. f) He Who has the superior pitambaram as His garment (ud- ambarah). om nyagrodhodumbaraya namah.
828. asvattah – a) He Who has established the impermanent gods for performing various functions. b) He Who is described as the root of an eternal asvattha tree of samsara etc. c) He Who eternally rules over the universe that is never the same, and keeps constantly changing. d) He Who pervades the entire universe in the form of the five great elements. om asvattaya namah.
829. canurandhra-nishudanah – a) He Who slew the wrestler by name canura. b) He Who causes utmost misery to those who cause hardship to the good people of sattvik disposition. c) He Who slew canura, duryodhana and the like. Om canurandhara-nishudanaya namah.
Sloka 89
sahasrarcih sapta-jihvah saptaidhah sapta-vahanah |
a-murtir_anagho’cintyo bhaya-krt bhaya-nasanah ||
830. sahasrarcih – a) The Thousand-rayed, Who illumines everything in this Universe. b) He Whose tirumeni radiates with kanti that resembles infinite number or rays emanating from Him. Om sahasrarcishe namah.
831. sapta-jihvah – The seven-tongued. Om sapta-jihvaya namah.
832. saptaidhah – One Who is kindled in the form of fire by the seven kinds of offerings. Om saptaidhase namah.
833. sapta-vahanah – a) He Who has seven vehicles in the form of the seven Vedic mantra-s represented by the seven horses of the Sun. b) He Who supports the Universe in the form of the seven Sun-s. c) He Who supports the three worlds through the seven vayu-mandala-s or regions of air. d) He Who has a vehicle with its horse named sapta. e) He Who protects the beings through facilities that has provided in units of seven – seven types of fluids in our system, seven holes in our face as sense organs, the seven objects of these sense-organs, etc. f) He Who conducts the seven worlds with prosperity. Om sapta-vahanaya namah.
834. a-murtih – a) He Who does not have a body that is the effect of karma similar to ours. b) He Who is signified by the letter `a’ in pranavam. om a-murtaye namah
835. an-aghah – a) The Sinless. b) He Who is opposed to sin. c) He Who is of blemishless character. d) He Who does not suffer sorrow. Om anaghaya namah.
836. a-cintyah – a) He Who is incomparable to anything known. b) He Whose power cannot be imagined. c) He Who cannot be completely comprehended in our minds. Om a-cintyaya namah.
837. bhya-krt – He Who causes fear. Om bhaya-krte namah.
838. bhaya-nasanah – He Who destroys fear. Om bhaya-nasanaya namah.
Sloka 90
anur_brhat_krsas_sthulo guna-bhrn_nir-guno mahan |
adhrtah sva-dhrtah svasyah prag-vamso vamsa-vardhanah || 90
839. anuh – a) He Who has the power of being smaller than anything small that is known to us. b) He Who is the cause of the sound that permeates everywhere and is in everything (ana – Sabde). c) He Who is in the form of the Vedas, or He Who reveals the Vedas, the Sastras, etc. (ana – sabde). Om anave namah.
840. brhat – The Great. Om brhate namah.
841. krsah – a) He Who is lighter than the light. b) He Who is thinner than anything thin. c) He Who reduces or eliminates the difficulties to His devotees. d) He Who pares down the form for the jiva-s to make it possible for them to live in comfort. e) He Who makes `light work’ of the asura-s (i.e., He Who destroys the asura-s). Om krsaya namah.
842. sthulah – a) He Who is immense. b) He Who grows or enhances enormously the wealth of His devotees. Om sthulaya namah.
843. guna-bhrt – a) The Supporter of all that are subject to Him. b) He Who supports the three guNa-s of sattva, rajas, and tamas. c) He Who bears (has) infinite kalyana guna-s. Om guna-bhrte namah.
844. nir-gunah – He Who is bereft of the qualities (common to others). Om nir-gunaya namah.
845. mahan – a) He Who is supreme in everything. b) He Who is Great beyond comprehension. c) He Who is worthy of worship, and worshiped by the likes of Indra. Om mahate namah.
846. a-dhrtah – a) The Unconstrained. b) The Unsustained. Om a-dhrtaya namah.
847. sva-dhrtah – He Who is Self-sustained and superior over the baddha-s who may have some of the same ashTa aiSvarya-s that we saw above, through meditation , prayer, etc. Om svadhrtaya namah
848. svasyah – He Who has a glorious status and is superior over the mukta-s, who have a status equivalent to Him in many respects, but who were once clouded by nescience. Om svasyaya namah
849. prag-vamsah – He Who is the cause of the eternally free souls and is superior over the nitya-s, the eternal souls in Sri Vaikuntham, since He is their origin, source and eternal support. Om prag-vamsaya namah
850. vamsa-vardhanah – He Who keeps His progeny growing, bhagavan, the One who fosters and grows all the three categories of jIva-s. Om vamsa-vardhanaya namah.
Sloka 91
bhara-bhrt kathito yogi yogisah sarva-kama-dah |
asramah sramanah kshamah suparno vayu-vahanah ||
851. bhara-bhrt – He Who shoulders the burden. Om bhara-bhrte namah.
852. kathitah – He Whose greatness is extolled by all the Vedas, Puranas, etc. om kathitaya namah.
853. yogI – a) He Who is endowed with super-human powers. b) He Who is realized through yogic powers. c) He Who bonds everything together. d) He Who has total control of His Self. e) He Who unites the devotees with their wishes – i.e., He Who bestows the devotees’ wishes. Om yogine namah.
854. yogisah – He Who is the foremost Lord of all yogins. Om yogisaya namah.
855. sarva-kama-dah – He Who bestows all desires. Om sarva-kama-daya namah.
856. asramah – He Who provides an abode of rest for the seekers. Om asramaya namah.
857. Sramanah – a) He Who makes it possible to continue the effort of uncompleted yoga in the next birth. b) He Who torments those who have not exercised their discriminating ability. c) He Who undertook tapas in the form of Nara Narayana for the welfare of the world. d) He Who is the source of subsistence for sanyAsin-s. e) Subject matter of, and known by, hymns of praise. Om Sramanaya namah
858. ksamah – a) One Who is in a diminished form (in the form of Dhruva, the Pole Star). b) He Who helps the yogi to become well-equipped. c) He Who alone is left behind at the time of pralaya. d) He Who reduces everything to its un-evolved state at the time of pralaya. e) He Who remains hidden amongst us, and he in Whom everything is hidden. f) He Who is the final abode for all (kshayati). g) He Who has established the Universe in all its dimensions (ksha + mane). h) He Who restrains and controls those of demonic disposition (ksha + mavate). i) He Who bore the Earth (in His varAha incarnation).
j) Remover of obstructions in the path of cows (ksham + ama). k) He Who endures patiently. Om kshamaya namah.
859. suparnah – a) One Who has beautiful wings – in the form of hamsa, Garuda, etc. b) He Who helps the yogi-s cross the ocean of samsara. c) He Who enables everything to move around. d) He Who is in the form of the Vedas (as the “leaves” of the tree of samsara). e) One Who is decorated with the beautiful green tulasi leaves. f) One Who has the green color of emerald because of His association with Lakshmi. g) One Who is easily pleased by pure devotion. h) He Who is the Abode of Supreme Happiness (su-par-Nah). i) He Who rests on the beautiful tender green fig-tree leaf (at the time of prlaya). j) He Who pervades the entire Universe completely. k) He Who has suparna – Garuda as His vahana. Om suparnaya namah.
860. vayu-vahanah – a) He Who makes the wind flow for the benefit of sustaining life. b) He Who lifts up the fallen with the swiftness of air with the help of Garuda. c) He Who had “The Vayu – Hanuman” as His vehicle during His Rama incarnation. Om vayu-vahanaya namah.
Sloka 92
dhanur-dharo dhanur-vedo dando damayita’damah |
a-parajitah sarva-saho niyanta niyamo yamah ||
861. dhanur-dharah – The wielder of the bow. Om dhanur-dharaya namah.
862. dhanur-vedah – a) The Propounder of the science of archery. b) The Knower of the Science of archery in its completeness (a reference to Lord Rama). c) One Who has given the means of self-protection (dhanush) to all His creation. d) One Who has propounded meditation on “OM” as the sure means of Self realization. Om dhanur-vedaya namah.
863. dandah – a) The source of punishment for the wicked. b) He Who is verily the weapon (power) of yama – the danda. c) He Whom no one else controls (a-dandah). d) He Who is the source of restraint for all beings so that they follow dharma. Om dandaya namah.
864. damayita – a) The Subduer (of the enemies of His devotees). b) The Dispeller (of the miseries and sufferings of His devotees). Om damayitre namah.
865. a-damah – a) He Who is not subdued by anyone. b) He Who is in the form of the good effects of punishment to those who err. c) He Who is the means of control. d) He Who controls everything. e) He Who bestows all wishes to His devotees. Om a-damaya namah.
866. a-parajitah – a) He Who is invincible. b) He Who has no protector above Him, and Who is Resplendent (a-pah + rajitah). c) He Whose Powers do not perish or diminish over time. Om a-parajitaya namah.
867. sarva-sahah – a) The Supporter of all the other deities. b) He Who conquers all His enemies. c) He Who is competent in all His actions. d) He Who forgives the aparadha-s of everyone. om sarva-sahaya namah
868. niyanta – a) He Who directs. b) One Who has no one above Him to direct and control Him (a- niyanta). om niyantre namah
869. niyamah – a) He Who controls. b) He Who ordains. c) He Who is attained through the yogic path of niyama (and yama). d) He Who has no Controller or Director above Him (a- niyamah). e) He Who bestows sacred knowledge about Himself to devotees in full measure. f) He Who pervades and surrounds everything (yama – pariveshane – to surround). Om niyamaya namah.
870. yamah – a) The Controller (of all the deva-s). b) He Who is attained through the yogic path of yama (and niyama). c) He Who is beyond yama or mrityu (a-yamah). d) One Who has no one to command Him (a-yamah). e) One Who brings to end all life at the time of pralaya. f) One Who feeds His devotees with delectable food in the form of anubhavam of Himself. g) One Who knows and prescribes the mandates that bestow virtue (aya+mah). Om yamaya namah.
Sloka 93
sattva-van sattvikah satyah satya-dahrma-parayanah |
abhiprayah priyarho_’rhah priya-krt prIti-vardhanah ||
871. sattva-van – a) He Who controls the sattva guna that paves the way for liberation. b) One Who possesses courage, strength etc. c) One Who is determined to bestow His blessings on His devotees. Om sattva-vate namah.
872. sattvikah – a) He Who confers the fruits of sattva guna. b) One Who is essentially established in sattva guNa. Om sattvikaya namah.
873. satyah – a) One Who is well-disposed towards pious souls. b) One Who is good in a supreme way. c) He Who is established in Truth. d) He Who is Real, and who alone exists ( Sri Sankara). e) He Who is in the form of prana, anna, and surya. Om satyaya namah.
874. satya-dharma-parayanah – a) He Who is pleased with the true dharma practiced by His devotees. b) He Who is ever devoted to, and established in, Truth and in righteousness. c) He Who provides the support to, and Who shows the path for, those who follow the superior path of dharma. d) Refuge of devotees such as yadu, turvasa, etc., who take interest in discharging virtuous duties. Om satya-dharma-parayanaya namah.
875. abhiprayah – a) He Who is the object of choice. b) He to Whom all beings go (praiti) directly (abhi) during pralaya. c) He Who exclusively directs the activities of all others. Om abhiprayaya namah.
876. priyarhah – a) He Who is rightly the object of love. b) He Who deserves to be offered our most beloved offerings. Om priyarhaya namah.
877. arhah – The fitting Lord to be worshipped. Om arhaya namah.
878. priya-krt – He Who does what is wanted by others. om priya-krte namah.
879. prIti-vardhanah – a) Who increases the joy of His devotees. b) He Who fulfills the love of His devotees. Om prIti-vardhanaya namah.
Sloka 94
vihayasa-gatir_jyotir_su-rucir_huta-bhug-vibhuh |
ravir_iorocanah suryah savita ravi-locanah ||
880. vihayasa-gatih – a) He Who is the means for the attainment of paramapadam. b) He Who travels in the form of the Sun. c) He Who travels in space through His vehicle Garuda- the King of birds. d) He Who is attained by tapasvins through their tapas (ha – tyage – to abandon). Om vihayasa-gataye namah.
881. jyotih – a) The Light that leads to Sri Vaikuntham. b) The Light that is self-luminous. c) The Light that illuminates the Sun, the moon etc. Om jyotishe namah.
882. su-rucih – a) He of lovely effulgence – The Day time. b) One Who has the good desire or Will to protect the world. c) He Who is the cause of all the effulgence in everything. d) He Who has intense attachment to His devotees. Om su-rucaye enamah.
883. huta-bhug-vibhuh – He that is the Bright Fortnight of the Moon. Om huta-bhug-vibhave namah.
884. ravih – a) The Sun in his uttarayana or Summer solstice. b) He Who is responsible for the ability of all cetana-s and acetana-s to make sound. c) He Who is praised by His devotees. Om ravaye namah.
885. virocanah – a) The Illuminant (the year). b) He of various splendors – such as Sun, moon, day, night, etc. c) He Who shines in the minds of His devotees in various special ways. d) He Who gave special sight (divya cakshus) to arjuna, sa’njaya etc. (vi-locanah). om virocanaya namaH.
886. suryah – a) The source of movement in the form of wind. b) He Who brings forth everything, or He Who brings forth wealth. c) One who generates Sri or brilliance in surya or agni (sacred fire). d) He because of Whom we get enlightenment. Om suryaya namah.
887. savita – a) He Who produces or brings forth the crops etc., in the form of the Sun. b) He Who brings forth everything in the Universe (including the sun etc.). om savitre namah.
888. ravi-locanah – a) He Who illuminates (through the rays of the sun). b) He that has the Sun for His eye. c) He from Whose eyes the Sun was born. d) He Who is fond of praise. om ravi-locanaya namah.
Sloka 95
ananta-huta-bhug-bhokta sukha-do naikado-‘grajah |
a-nirvinnah sadamarshI lokadhishthanam_adbhutah ||
889. ananta-huta-bhug-bhokta – a) He Who is indra and brahmA of immeasurable greatness. b) He Who is endless, and Who consumes the offerings through fire. om ananta-huta-bhug-bhoktre namah.
890. sukha-dah – a) The Giver of Bliss to His devotees. b) The Remover of happiness for the wicked. c) The Remover of tiny pleasures from His devotees (dyati – cuts) so that they can seek the Higher Bliss. d) The Remover of unhappiness for His devotees (a- sukha-dah; dyati – cuts). e) He Who is the source of water for all beings (sukham = udakam = water). f) He Who has given a beautiful body to the jivas. Om sukha-dAya namah.
891. naika-dah – a) The Giver of many things (Literally, The Giver of Not just one thing). b) He Who is not `born’ just once, but many times (naika-jaH). Om naika-dAya namaH.
892. agra-jah – He Who manifests in front of the mukta-s. om agra-jAya namaH.
893. a-nir-vinnah – a) He Who is not despondent that the jIva-s are not resorting to Him for redemption. b ) He Who is relieved of worry after having liberated a jIva who becomes a mukta. c) He Who is not depressed because He has nothing to wish for. d) He Who is not tired of fulfilling the wishes of His devotees. om a-nir-viNNAya namaH.
894. sada-marshI – a) He Who is ever patient (sada_marshI). b) He Who is patient towards the mistakes of good people (sat +A+marshI). c) He Who is extremely impatient with the wicked people (sada + amarshI). Om sada-marshine namah.
895. lokadhishthanam – The Support of all the worlds. Om lokadhishthanaya namah.
896. adbhutah – a) He Who is extremely wonderful. b) He Who makes appearances occasionally amongst us. c) He because of Whom grains, food etc. exist (Adyam = grains). om adbhutaya namah.
Sloka 96
sanat sanatana-tamah kapilah kapir_avyayah |
svasti-dah sasti-krt svasti svasti-bhuk svasti-dakshinah ||
897. sanat – a) The Object of enjoyment. b) He Who is in the form of Time. c) He Who is Eternal, Immutable, and always of the same beautiful Form. om sanate namah.
898. sanatana-tamah – The Most Ancient. om sanatana-tamaya namah.
899. kapilah – He Who is of beautiful complexion. Om kapilaya namah.
900. kapir-avyayah – He Who enjoys the never-diminishing Bliss. om kapaye-avyayaya namah.
901. svasti-dah – The Giver of Auspiciousness. om svasti-daya namah.
902. svasti-krt – The Doer of good to the devotees. om svasti-krte namah.
903. svasti – He Who is Auspiciousness. om svastine namah.
904. svasti-bhuk – a) The Protector of all that is auspicious. b) The Enjoyer of Bliss. c) He Who enables His devotees to enjoy bliss. om svasti-bhuje namah.
905. svasti-dakshinah – He Who gives auspicious things as dakshina to His devotees. om svasti-dakshinaya namh.
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